Dragon Circles & Events for 2021

Spheres Of Light (SOL) is an Australian Pagan group meeting in the Sutherland Shire in southern Sydney, in Nowra and now also in Canberra. SOL conducts Full Moon circles, Dark Moon circles, workshops, classes, meditations and healing circles, with a strong emphasis on eclectic witchcraft.

During 2020 Spheres Of Light will be conducting Dragon Circles and events throughout the year. The Dragon is a celestial being that can take on a multitude of forms and energies and inhabits many dimensions throughout the cosmos. The Dragon represents the unknown and the hidden energy within our self, in nature and the cosmos.

The Dragon path strives to make this unconscious force and knowledge conscious. The symbol of the dragon and the myths about it carries information about how the unconscious can become conscious and how one can evolve. Those of you who are called are now on the threshold of a great journey, let go of your restrictions and let the dragons guide the way.

2021 Dragon Program:

Cosmic Dragon Energy Attunement

This workshop will be held on Sunday 14th February 2021 in the Sutherland Shire. This is a process of raising the kundalini and attuning to a particular element of the dragon. At this one-day workshop we will be attuning to the Dragon Element of Fire. More details here.

Cosmic Dragon Healing Training

Cosmic Dragon Healing is a comprehensive healing system that connects directly to the energy of the Earth and aligns the energy with the meridians and chakras within your body and the ley lines and the grid lines of the Earth. This is a new comprehensive healing program which will be rolled out in 2021. This training program consists of an introductory session and then nine levels of attainment and activation. The training will be conducted as a series of workshops with additional assignments to completed at each level to meet the requirements of the training program. More details here.

Dragon Full Moon Circles

Dragon Full Moon Circles will be commencing 29th January 2021. In 2021 we will be conducting rituals using our own unique style of Ceremonial Magic and working with The Watchers (the Shining Ones) and Lucifer (the Light-Bringer). Full Moon Circles are held at Loftus in the Sutherland Shire area of Sydney (Australia), in Nowra (NSW south coast) and in Canberra ACT on the Friday before each Full Moon. These Full Moon gatherings are Open Circles, meaning that people are welcome to come along any time and experience a Full Moon circle with us. Dates for Full Moon Circles can be found here.

Dragon Dark Moon Circles

Dragon Dark Moon Circles will be commencing on 12th February 2021. They are learning circles which are held during the dark moon of each month. This is a time when one can face their shadow to find their hidden potential. If you would like to become a member of the Dark Moon Circle you need to regularly attend full moon circles and dark moon circles and demonstrate a high level of commitment and dedication to the circle’s activities. More details here.

Other Activities:

Samhain Weekend Retreat – 30th April to 2nd May 2021 Cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Beltane Weekend Retreat – 5th to 7th November 2021
More details here.

Contact Details:

If you would like to attend the circles or other events and would like further information please send an email to spheresoflight.sydney@gmail.com or phone Janine on 0408025268.